Saturday 13 February 2010

Put down the brush and no one gets hurt

When is a painting done? For me it ends when I run out of time and I am down to the wire. Dianne who is in charge of submissions was kind enough to phone me and let me bring the forms over to her house on a Saturday night. I took a picture and I am just waiting for the email from Walmart to say that it is printed. The price is 68 cents. It should cost me more in gas to pick it up.

I am submitting two paintings to the Woman's art society of Montreal. I hate to admit how much I would like to be in this show. Okay here is the truth - I really want to be in this show. It takes place at the 9Th floor in Ogilvy's department store, in an elegant wood paneled room. I love this room. It makes you feel like you should put on long gloves and a feather hat and dress up to be invited to tea. It's that kind of room.

I have one minute to decide what to call this one and how much to price it. Okay minutes over and no decision. I have trouble making decisions. Ordering in a restaurant is not an easy thing. and lets not even discuss choosing room paint colours. This one is called "pet me". It has a name but no price. Off to Walmart I go


  1. Stunning! Especially the one with the girl - who just happens to be me... I can't wait for your paintings to be in Oglivy's. Buy me something? Hint hint

    Love you!!

  2. I dig "Pet Me". Nicely done.

    Good belatedly luck at the show.....
