Monday, 22 September 2014

Day 23 Dog Jumping in the Water

This is a picture of my dog jumping into the water.  My husband says people might not recognize it as a dog jumping into the water. I am sure no one will have a problem because all they have to do is read the title - "Dog Jumping into the Water". S. Charto
Dog Jumping in the Water

Just as I said - no problem.

I have a confession to make - I think I am crazy.  You probably wouldn't notice but I have been among the first 10 people to post to the 30 in 30 challenge.  Not really a big deal unless you find out that Leslie Saeta lives in California  and I live on the the other side of the continent  - on the east coast. She does it at 12 midnight which is 3:00 am my time.  Every night I wake up between 2:30 and 4:30 and post.  That would be fine if I was setting an alarm but I'm not - I just get up that time.  My husband thinks I am crazy and even the dog gives me a dirty look and turns over.  I think I need help. I wonder if there is a group I can join. Any suggestions?

Please join me in my new blog where we will work through how to books and improve our art skills

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