I remember when we drove to his place in October. We thought we were crazy to drive 2 1/2 hours there and the equivalent back, to spend 2 hours on a mountain in Vermont. We weren't the only ones. Dog lovers from much further had come to share the joy of a day with your dog and the freedom of hundreds of dogs running up the mountain and swimming in the pond. They supplied hot dogs for the humans and I think Mulligan might have stolen a few. Mulligan was in her element. She was surrounded by mostly goldens and labs. Her kind. We were with our kind too. People who like to be with their dogs, people who joke about how bad their dogs are and people who know that they have the greatest dog in the world. It was a very, very good day.
I don't know if they will be able to keep the dog chapel open. It was a place where people sent pictures of their past dogs and reading all the notes was touching. It was a place to see his art work. There are very few places like that and very few people who are talented and generous as he was.
Today is not a good day.

Stephen was kind enough pose with Mully.
I am so sorry to hear this. One can never know the demons that we struggle with within ourselves. I do not know this person but guess he was a true dog lover. There aren't enough of those in this world. My heart and thoughts go out to his family and friends.
ReplyDeleteOh I wish I'd have known this great Spirit.. Sorry for your loss S..