Monday, 16 November 2015

Just Watch Me

I mentioned in my blog post that I had got rejected to a juried art show.  Now normally I would have been upset but would have moved on.  This time I didn't recover.  I had so much self doubt as an artist.

Maybe it would have been okay if  everyone who saw the painting hadn't  said they loved it.  Okay maybe they lied but even my husband said this is really good and he never says that.  A close friend said I had upped my game.

After the rejection.I kept bumping into friends who asked how come I hadn't entered the show this year and I had to confess that well, I was rejected.  Then I was at an art lecture where everyone in the audience that I knew,  was accepted into the show but me.

At this time I signed up for a marketing course. I couldn't even participate in it because I thought what's the point?

Well the pity party is over.  I don't want to feel like that anymore. That judge who ever they are, has no more permission to control my life.  Even if I never get into another show again I still want to feel the joy, and passion I have making my art. Acrylic painting #5

We just had a new Prime Minster elected in Canada.  His father, the honourable Pierre Elliott Trudeau when questioned how far he was going to go to fight terrorists said "just watch me"  Now I am not saying my art career is equal to fighting bad guys but for anyone who has ever felt down, who was rejected, who needs a power motto, put down your brush, stand up take a breath. Think how far you want to go and say with me:

"Just Watch Me"

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