Thursday, 4 August 2016

Don`t Give Up on Me

I was in my class with Evil Teacher Suzy.  The painting I was working on needed tweaking.  She started yelling at me not to touch it while telling another student to go for it.  HUH? Why should I stop painting and why should the other student  continue. This needed an explanation and it had better be good.  It was good.  Suzy elaborated that the other student let's call her X - Madame X - would continue until she was satisfied and I would continue until I was unsatisfied and paint over it.
She is right.  I do that.  I did bring a painting to cover with gesso and paint over but when I brought it home I though I will show that evil teacher Suzy, this painting can't be fixed.

I really hate it when evil Teacher Suzy is right.  I worked on it and for not very long and I started to like it.  I think it needs a little more work but not much.  I love the effect of the sun and the shadows on the building.  What do you think?

Early Morning

I am really pleased. I feel I captured the effect of the light  peeking through the buildings.

Don't tell Evil Teacher Suzy that she is right - I am afraid of what else she might make me do.


  1. You make me laugh out loud. Great blog. Great painting!

    1. Hope you weren't drinking milk at the time. Thanks for reading my blog

  2. MMMMmmmmm really like this one! The colors and brush strokes are lovely! Your class time sounds like mine! This week's painting ended up "painted over" and in the trash before the end of class!

    1. Some days are just like that, the bad days make us appreciate the good ones.

  3. Hi Suzy! Thanks for commenting on my blog. Well I do agree with you ....I think you nailed the light effects. Love the awnings!

    1. I think I should do a close up of the awnings - it is a real exercise in values.
